


Kategorie: Studio
Korg M3 – výměna dotykové plochy displaye

27. 05. 2020 715 Studio

Problém s dotykovou plochou displaye na Korgu M3 je poměrně rozšířený. Díky náklonu jednotky workstationu po letech dotyková plocha přestává fungovat. Tentokrát jsem se pustil do opravy sám a celou ji zmapoval. Podívejte se na postup a fotografie z jednotlivých kroků výměny. Díl se dá objednat na eBay a oprava se dá zvládnout svépomocí

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07. 07. 2017 693 Studio

Delší dobu plánuji upgrade hlavních monitorů, rád bych své studio rozšířil o druhý pár monitorů, abych posunul mixing na novou úroveň. Navíc bych chtěl využít druhý pár monitorů pro boční poslech, abych si užil stereo zvuk svých synthesizérů. Když mi Kakaxa z 3bees zavolal, jestli si nechci vyzkoušet novou řadu dánských Dynauidí, příliš jsem neváhal a z poslechovky se nakonec vyklubalo přímé srovnání mých současných monitorů Dynaudio BM6A s novými monitory LYD-8 a LYD-48.

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How I spilt young wine onto my Kurzweil P3K

26. 02. 2015 133 Studio

Read how I had to take apart one of my most favorite instruments, Kurzweil PC3K, and look at the pictures in the gallery. Although the whole action took several hours, all went surprisingly smooth. And inside the Kurzweil? It is definitely worth seeing. The Mara chips, developed by Ray Kurzweil, have survived the test of time.

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Shruthi-1 – The Legend from Mutable Instruments

07. 09. 2014 242 Studio

Have you heard about the interesting synthesizer Shruthi-1 from Mutable Instruments? You should definitely get one, or better to build one yourself. Moreover, thanks to a variety of filters, you can even build the whole series. Do you want filters from MS-20, Polyvox, Moog, or Arp? You can choose.

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New Plugin for the Vibes Studio – Eventide Blackhole

22. 04. 2014 173 Studio

Get an experimental reverb from Eventide, especially convenient for making movies. Blackhole is the first native plugin from Eventide that I have in my Vibes studio and I was really surprised by its quality sound, possibilities and direct control.

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Knob Replacement on a Clavia Nord Rack 2

04. 02. 2014 92 Studio

Do you know how to change a non-working knob on a Nord Rack 2? Inspired by colleagues from the DIY group, I started to fix this and I was not expecting it to be so easy. Do you solder? Do you fancy electronics? I am sure you can also do this, too. Look at the photos from the changing process.

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New photos of Vibes studio

05. 11. 2013 76 Studio

Check out the Vibes studio photos by the photographer Filip Obr. The result has exceeded my expectations. When working, I use a lot of hardware and I tend to favor real analogue synthesizers and hardware compressors. Ergonomics is important and this kind of set up is more convenient for me.

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Tubes for DIY microphone Gyraf G7

13. 08. 2013 160 Blog, Studio

A synchronized pair of Telefunken EF86 lamps for a new DIY microphone Gyraf G7. Do you wish to have an excellent lamp microphone with the sound of the famous Neumann U-67? Then you could be interested in Jakob Erland's Gyraf G7 project.

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