Vibes report z Modular Meetingu CZ ve Školské 28
22. 06. 2015 728
Pokud máte rádi kvalitní zvuk z poctivého hardware a se synthesizéry to myslíte vážně, možná jste pokročili na další metu a vlastníte nějaký opravdový analog. Ale i v tomto případě jsou možnosti omezené, díky pevné architektuře nástroje. Co takhle si postavit vlastní synthesizer z jednotlivých modulů? A tím se dostávám k fenoménu dnešní doby, modulárním synthesizerům. Lidé od nezávislé platformy pro improvizovanou hudbu Wakushoppu uspořádali zajímavý Modular Meeting a Vibes opět byl u toho.
Read MoreWorkshop s Bastl Instruments ve zkušebně Converse
05. 05. 2015 640
Partičku Bastl Instruments jsem poprvé potkal před rokem v rámci mého seriálu o DIY pro časopis Music Store. Už tenkrát jsme si padli do noty. Kluci měli dobře našlápnuto a jejich projekt měl slibnou budoucnost. Když se mi Ondřej Merta, šéf Bastl Instruments ozval, jestli bych se nechtěl na workshop podívat a zase se vidět, říkal jsem si, chci být u toho. Věděl jsem, že to bude zase legrace a nudit se určitě nebudu.
Read MoreDIY Series: Introduction – Shruthi-1 Assembling
24. 04. 2015 67
The initial part of the DIY - Do It Yourself has been done in co-operation with the Music Store magazine. We will regularly bring you interviews with DIY specialist and hand over their experiences spiced up by interesting tricks. Read the first part of the DIY series and you will get to know how I built and soldered my first DIY synthesizer - Shruthi-1 from Mutable Instruments.
Read MoreVibes Series: DIY – Do It Yourself
07. 09. 2014 301
Vibes is starting a new series on DIY - Do It Yourself. In a twelvefold series, Each month I will interview a specialist in DIY and share his experiences with you. Hopefully that could inspire you as it did me. Think globally, act locally. This is one of the DIY thoughts and it reflects perfectly the situation nowadays. I will introduce you to people, who thanks to DIY, began with interesting startups, freed themselves from being an employee and are now successful in what they like doing.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 7. – 7 days at Château de Fougerette
25. 08. 2014 219
How is it like to spend one week at Château de Fougerette with a Swiss community who is excited about and into electronics? The next part of the DIY series is here. This time I am bringing you a complete review from a workshop in this summer camp in the heart of French countryside, spiced by the magic of an old castle. The atmosphere was great, with a great group of people and a rich schedule.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 6. – Interview with Jonáš Gruska
07. 07. 2014 223
Today we will be looking at the DIY phenomena from a slightly different point of view. And that will be through the artist´s eyes, who is fully engaged in experimental music. He is also looking for new ways of connecting the real world with the world of electronics and new technology. In this DIY series I have so far interviewed the youngest DIY Guru Jonáš Gruska, whom I visited in Bratislava.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 5. – Interview with Bastl Instruments
28. 05. 2014 138
What would happen when several musicians from the Brno underground scene met at an art school and discover on their own that each of them is into electronics? A successful project can arise after five years that will have a yearly turnover to the amount of one million Czech crowns and will distribute DIY instruments to the whole world. This time, the boys from Bastl Instruments were interviewed and I was really having a great time with them.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 4. – Interview with Michal Steinz
28. 04. 2014 84
In today's part of the DIY series I visited Michal Steinz the owner of recording studio in Tabor who is engaged in building clones of famous studio equipment. How to build, for example, a clone of the SSL G4000 Mixbus compressor? And how to make it look attractive? How to deal with the construction requirements, and with the actual making of the instrument? Michal and I discussed all these issues.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 3. – Interview with Martin Trochta
24. 03. 2014 121
This time I went to a small town called Rudolfov, close to České Budějovice where Martin Trochta, another DIY guru, grew up in when he was a child. Martin's life story can inspire any enthusiast whose situation made him or her start from restricted means (as many of us did) and make it on their own. Besides the eurorack models that Martin offers under the Autiolab label, we also had the chance to look at his analogue jewel called Yousynth.
Read MoreDIY Series: Part 2. – Interview with Olivier Gillet
24. 02. 2014 219
‘To be myself and realize my dreams’. This is how I would describe Mutable Instruments' Olivier's. Today I come with a truly interesting interview with French constructer Olivier Gilet, who can be a great inspiration to you. How to change a dream into reality and set up and flourish your own business? We asked these questions to Olivier Gillette and we were struck by his openness.
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